Southern Kick

A lifestyle blog dedicated to helping each of us find our light
through music, beauty and laughter.

Kate Humphrey of Southern Kick the Band is playing her guitar in their music studio in Rockwall Texas.jpg

Southern Kick is an eclectic pop rock trio band from Sarasota Florida. We are excited to share our newest projects, music videos and more!


Quality beauty products without harmful chemicals changed my life. And they can change yours too! Find out which items I’m loving.

Kate Humphrey Pouring Wine

From recipes to personal stories and advice, the Southern Kick lifestyle blog is a celebration of life as it comes. Join me on this crazy ride!


Meet Kate!

As a musician, skincare expert and blogger, Kate loves having a space to encompass all her passions in one place. Learn more below about what inspired Kate to start her own journey and reignite the light of inspiration!

Meet Southern Kick, the Band!